

Your Personal EmpowerMinute Number 3

There’s No Such Thing As Someday

  1. (Six Words That Will Change Your Life)
  2. Napoleon Hill wrote:  “To become successful, you must be a person of action.”    

Joan Baez said:  “Action is the antidote to despair.” 

I say:  “The concept of someday is the enemy of achievement and personal empowerment.” 

In The Real F Word, I write about the concept of “Someday” in connection with the FAILURE trap of “Idle Talk (No Action).”  People who talk a good game but achieve little are fond of the word “someday.”  Idle Talkers often start sentences with the word “someday.”  Someday I’ll write that book.  Someday I’ll start that new business.  Someday I’ll stop smoking, lose weight, travel — you name it.  It’s always someday.  

If you’re waiting for someday to do something, to take action, here’s the problem: There’s no such thing as someday.  You can search all you want on the calendar, but you won’t find Someday.  There are seven days:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  There’s no Someday.  

Someday is seductive.  Don’t get sucked into the Someday Syndrome, the Idle Talk-No Action emptiness of Someday.  Don’t use Someday to rationalize procrastination, inaction and delay.  That’s the stuff of Idle Talkers and under-achievers.  

Whenever you’re tempted to say “Someday I’ll” — STOP — and replace the word “Someday” with “Today” or even better yet “Now.”         

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Personal EmpowerMinute Number 2

The Wisdom of Yoda:  “Named Must Your Fear Be”

We can learn a lot from Yoda.  In Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, the diminutive Jedi uttered this insightful nugget:   “Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”



Yoda is absolutely right.  But I believe his insight extends far beyond banishing fear. The same principle applies to overcoming other habitual barriers to success.



In my new book — The Real F Word — I recommend a ‘Fix FAILURE First’ approach to personal change, providing an easy-to-follow process called the Three Rs (Recognize, Reject, and Replace) for overcoming the seven disempowering FAILURE habits that cause so many people to fall short of their potential.  This is how you reprogram your HabitForce so it works for you, not against you.



Built around two easy-to-remember seven-letter acronyms — FAILURE and SUCCESS – The Real F Word helps readers escape from self-defeating FAILURE traps and get on the SUCCESS track.



And so I offer this paraphrase of Yoda’s words:  “Named must your FAILURE habits be before banish them you can.” 



In other words, we first must recognize (or name) our FAILURE habits before we can reject and replace them with their SUCCESS counterparts.
As Yoda might say:  May the HabitForce be with you!


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Your Personal EmpowerMinute Number 1: 

The Power of Making a Promise

Making a habit of setting goals and not reaching them can be very frustrating and disempowering.  This reinforces feelings about being stuck, unable to change, falling short of your potential.

If you’re feeling stuck and frustrated about not achieving your goals, I strongly recommend that you scale back and settle on one or two specific things that you REALLY want to achieve and that can be achieved in the short term.  Next, don’t just set another goal or make another resolution.  You’ve been there, done that.  It didn’t work. 

I made a fateful promise to my mother when she was terminally ill with cancer that I would finish writing this book, get it published, and dedicate it to her memory.  That promise made all the difference.  Believe me … when you make a promise to your mother … failure truly is not an option.

The Real F Word can be ordered on www.Amazon.com.  Visit www.TheRealFWord.com for more information.

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